Sunday, April 26, 2020

Chapter 1To 5 HTML


................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 1: Getting started with HTML
................................................................................................................ 2
Section 1.1: Hello World 2
Chapter 2: Doctypes
.................................................................................................................................................... 4
Section 2.1: Adding the Doctype 4
Section 2.2: HTML 5 Doctype 4
Chapter 3: Headings
.................................................................................................................................................... 5
Section 3.1: Using Headings 5
Chapter 4: Paragraphs
.............................................................................................................................................. 6
Section 4.1: HTML Paragraphs
Chapter 5: Text Formatting
.....................................................................................................................................  6
.....................................................................................................................................  7
Section 5.1: Highlighting 7
Section 5.2: Bold, Italic, and Underline 7
Section 5.3: Abbreviation 8
Section 5.4: Inserted, Deleted, or Stricken 8
Section 5.5: Superscript and Subscript 8
Chapter 1: Getting started with HTML

Version Specification Release Date
1.0 N/A 1994-01-01
2.0 RFC 1866
3.2 W3C: HTML 3.2 Specification
4.0 W3C: HTML 4.0 Specification
4.01 W3C: HTML 4.01 Specification
5 WHATWG: HTML Living Standard
5.1 W3C: HTML 5.1 Specification
Section 1.1: Hello World

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) uses a markup system composed of elements which represent specific content. Markup means that with HTML you declare what is presented to a viewer, not how it is presented. Visual representations are defined by Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and realized by browsers. Still existing elements that allow for such, like e.g. font, "are entirely obsolete, and must not be used by authors"[1].
HTML is sometimes called a programming language but it has no logic, so is a markup language. HTML tags provide semantic meaning and machine-readability to the content in the page.
An element usually consists of an opening tag (<element_name>), a closing tag (</element_name>), which contain the element's name surrounded by angle brackets, and the content in between:

There are some HTML elements that don't have a closing tag or any contents. These are called void elements. Void elements include <img>, <meta>, <link> and <input>.
Element names can be thought of as descriptive keywords for the content they contain, such as video, audio, table, footer.
A HTML page may consist of potentially hundreds of elements which are then read by a web browser, interpreted and rendered into human readable or audible content on the screen.
For this document it is important to note the difference between elements and tags:

Elements: video, audio, table, footer

Tags: <video>, <audio>, <table>, <footer>, </html>, </body>

Element insight

Let's break down a tag...

The <p> tag represents a common paragraph.

Elements commonly have an opening tag and a closing tag. The opening tag contains the element's name in angle brackets (<p>). The closing tag is identical to the opening tag with the addition of a forward slash (/) between the opening bracket and the element's name (</p>).
Content can then go between these two tags: <p>This is a simple paragraph.</p>.
Creating a simple page

The following HTML example creates a simple "Hello World" web page.

HTML files can be created using any text editor. The files must be saved with a .html or .htm[2] extension in order to be recognized as HTML files.

Once created, this file can be opened in any web browser.

Simple page break down

These are the tags used in the example:

Tag Meaning
<!DOCTYPE> Defines the HTML version used in the document. In this case it is HTML5.
See the doctypes topic for more information.
Opens the page. No markup should come after the closing tag (</html>). The lang attribute declares


the primary language of the page using the ISO language codes (en for English). See the Content Language topic for more information.
Opens the head section, which does not appear in the main browser window but mainly contains information about the HTML document, called metadata. It can also contain imports from external stylesheets and scripts. The closing tag is </head>.
Gives the browser some metadata about the document. The charset attribute declares the character encoding. Modern HTML documents should always use UTF-8, even though it is not a requirement. In HTML, the <meta> tag does not require a closing tag.
See the Meta topic for more information.
<title> The title of the page. Text written between this opening and the closing tag (</title>) will be displayed on the tab of the page or in the title bar of the browser.
<body> Opens the part of the document displayed to users, i.e. all the visible or audible content of a page. No content should be added after the closing tag </body>.
<h1> A level 1 heading for the page.
See headings for more information.
<p> Represents a common paragraph of text.

1. ↑ HTML5, 11.2 Non-conforming features
2. ↑ .htm is inherited from the legacy DOS three character file extension limit.
Chapter 2: Doctypes

Doctypes - short for 'document type' - help browsers to understand the version of HTML the document is written in for better interpretability. Doctype declarations are not HTML tags and belong at the very top of a document. This topic explains the structure and declaration of various doctypes in HTML.
Section 2.1: Adding the Doctype
The <!DOCTYPE> declaration should always be included at the top of the HTML document, before the <html> tag.

Version ≥ 5

See HTML 5 Doctype for details on the HTML 5 Doctype.

Section 2.2: HTML 5 Doctype
HTML5 is not based on SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), and therefore does not require a reference to a DTD (Document Type Definition).
HTML 5 Doctype declaration:

Case Insensitivity

Per the HTML 5 DOCTYPE Spec:

A DOCTYPE must consist of the following components, in this order:

1. A string that is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "<!DOCTYPE".

therefore the following DOCTYPEs are also valid:

This SO article discusses the topic extensively: Uppercase or lowercase doctype?
Chapter 3: Headings

HTML provides not only plain paragraph tags, but six separate header tags to indicate headings of various sizes and thicknesses. Enumerated as heading 1 through heading 6, heading 1 has the largest and thickest text while heading 6 is the smallest and thinnest, down to the paragraph level. This topic details proper usage of these tags.
Section 3.1: Using Headings
Headings can be used to describe the topic they precede and they are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags. Headings support all the global attributes.

<h1> defines the most important heading.
<h6> defines the least important heading.

Defining a heading:

Correct structure matters

Search engines and other user agents usually index page content based on heading elements, for example to create a table of contents, so using the correct structure for headings is important.
In general, an article should have one h1 element for the main title followed by h2 subtitles – going down a layer if necessary. If there are h1 elements on a higher level they shoudn't be used to describe any lower level content.

Example document (extra intendation to illustrate hierarchy):

Chapter 4: Paragraphs

Column Column
<p> Defines a paragraph
<br> Inserts a single line break
<pre> Defines pre-formatted text

Paragraphs are the most basic HTML element. This topic explains and demonstrates the usage of the paragraph element in HTML.

Section 4.1: HTML Paragraphs

The HTML <p> element defines a paragraph:


You cannot be sure how HTML will be displayed.

Large or small screens, and resized windows will create different results.

With HTML, you cannot change the output by adding extra spaces or extra lines in your HTML code. The browser will remove any extra spaces and extra lines when the page is displayed:
Chapter 5: Text Formatting

While most HTML tags are used to create elements, HTML also provides in-text formatting tags to apply specific text-related styles to portions of text. This topic includes examples of HTML text formatting such as highlighting, bolding, underlining, subscript, and stricken text

Section 5.1: Highlighting

The <mark> element is new in HTML5 and is used to mark or highlight text in a document "due to its relevance in another context".1

The most common example would be in the results of a search were the user has entered a search query and results are shown highlighting the desired query.


A common standard formatting is black text on a yellow background, but this can be changed with CSS.

Section 5.2: Bold, Italic, and Underline
Bold Text

To bold text, use the <strong> or <b> tags:


What's the difference? Semantics. <strong> is used to indicate that the text is fundamentally or semantically important to the surrounding text, while <b> indicates no such importance and simply represents text that should be bolded.

If you were to use <b> a text-to-speech program would not say the word(s) any differently than any of the other words around it - you are simply drawing attention to them without adding any additional importance. By using
<strong>, though, the same program would want to speak those word(s) with a different tone of voice to convey that the text is important in some way.

Italic Text

To italicize text, use the <em> or <i> tags:


What's the difference? Semantics. <em> is used to indicate that the text should have extra emphasis that should be stressed, while <i> simply represents text which should be set off from the normal text around it.

For example, if you wanted to stress the action inside a sentence, one might do so by emphasizing it in italics via
<em>: "Would you just submit the edit already?"

But if you were identifying a book or newspaper that you would normally italicize stylistically, you would simply use
<i>: "I was forced to read Romeo and Juliet in high school.

Underlined Text

While the <u> element itself was deprecated in HTMl 4, it was reintroduced with alternate semantic meaning in HTML 5 - to represent an unarticulated, non-textual annotation. You might use such a rendering to indicate misspelled text on the page, or for a Chinese proper name mark.

Section 5.3: Abbreviation

To mark some expression as an abbreviation, use <abbr> tag:

If present, the title attribute is used to present the full description of such abbreviation.

Section 5.4: Inserted, Deleted, or Stricken

To mark text as inserted, use the <ins> tag:

To mark text as deleted, use the <del> tag:

To strike through text, use the <s> tag:

Section 5.5: Superscript and Subscript

To offset text either upward or downward you can use the tags <sup> and <sub>. To create superscript:

To create subscript:

More information

Defcon 2015 Coding Skillz 1 Writeup

Just connecting to the service, a 64bit cpu registers dump is received, and so does several binary code as you can see:

The registers represent an initial cpu state, and we have to reply with the registers result of the binary code execution. This must be automated becouse of the 10 seconds server socket timeout.

The exploit is quite simple, we have to set the cpu registers to this values, execute the code and get resulting registers.

In python we created two structures for the initial state and the ending state.

cpuRegs = {'rax':'','rbx':'','rcx':'','rdx':'','rsi':'','rdi':'','r8':'','r9':'','r10':'','r11':'','r12':'','r13':'','r14':'','r15':''}
finalRegs = {'rax':'','rbx':'','rcx':'','rdx':'','rsi':'','rdi':'','r8':'','r9':'','r10':'','r11':'','r12':'','r13':'','r14':'','r15':''}

We inject at the beginning several movs for setting the initial state:

for r in cpuRegs.keys():
    code.append('mov %s, %s' % (r, cpuRegs[r]))

The 64bit compilation of the movs and the binary code, but changing the last ret instruction by a sigtrap "int 3"
We compile with nasm in this way:

os.popen('nasm -f elf64 code.asm')
os.popen('ld -o code code.o ')

And use GDB to execute the code until the sigtrap, and then get the registers

fd = os.popen("gdb code -ex 'r' -ex 'i r' -ex 'quit'",'r')
for l in fd.readlines():
    for x in finalRegs.keys():

We just parse the registers and send the to the server in the same format, and got the key.

The code:

from libcookie import *
from asm import *
import os
import sys

host = ''
port = 9999

cpuRegs = {'rax':'','rbx':'','rcx':'','rdx':'','rsi':'','rdi':'','r8':'','r9':'','r10':'','r11':'','r12':'','r13':'','r14':'','r15':''}
finalRegs = {'rax':'','rbx':'','rcx':'','rdx':'','rsi':'','rdi':'','r8':'','r9':'','r10':'','r11':'','r12':'','r13':'','r14':'','r15':''}
fregs = 15

s = Sock(TCP)
s.timeout = 999

data = s.readUntil('bytes:')

#data =
#data = s.readAll()

sz = 0

for r in data.split('\n'):
    for rk in cpuRegs.keys():
        if r.startswith(rk):
            cpuRegs[rk] = r.split('=')[1]

    if 'bytes' in r:
        sz = int(r.split(' ')[3])

binary = data[-sz:]
code = []

print '[',binary,']'
print 'given size:',sz,'bin size:',len(binary)        
print cpuRegs

for r in cpuRegs.keys():
    code.append('mov %s, %s' % (r, cpuRegs[r]))

#print code

fd = open('code.asm','w')

print 'Compilando ...'
os.popen('nasm -f elf64 code.asm')
os.popen('ld -o code code.o ')

print 'Ejecutando ...'
fd = os.popen("gdb code -ex 'r' -ex 'i r' -ex 'quit'",'r')
for l in fd.readlines():
    for x in finalRegs.keys():
        if x in l:
            l = l.replace('\t',' ')
                i = 12
                spl = l.split(' ')
                if spl[i] == '':
                print 'reg: ',x
                finalRegs[x] = l.split(' ')[i].split('\t')[0]
                print 'err: '+l
            fregs -= 1
            if fregs == 0:
                #print 'sending regs ...'
                #print finalRegs
                buff = []
                for k in finalRegs.keys():
                    buff.append('%s=%s' % (k,finalRegs[k]))

                print '\n'.join(buff)+'\n'

                print s.readAll()
                print 'waiting flag ....'
                print s.readAll()

                print '----- yeah? -----'


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  2. Hacking Games Online
  3. Hacking Linux

Hacking All The Cars - Part 2

Connecting Hardware to Your Real Car: 

 I realized the other day I posted Part 2 of this series to my youtube awhile ago but not blogger so this one will be quick and mostly via video walkthrough. I often post random followup videos which may never arrive on this blog. So if you're waiting on something specific I mentioned or the next part to a series its always a good idea to subscribe to the YouTube. This is almost always true if there is video associated with the post.  

In the last blog we went over using virtual CAN devices to interact with a virtual car simulators of a CAN network This was awesome because it allowed us to learn how to interact with he underlying CAN network without fear of hacking around on an expensive automobile. But now it's time to put on your big boy pants and create a real CAN interface with hardware and plug your hardware device into your ODB2 port. 

The video I created below will show you where to plug your device in, how to configure it and how to take the information you learned while hacking around on the virtual car from part1 and apply it directly to a real car.   

Video Walk Through Using Hardware on a Real Car

As a reference here are the two device options I used in the video and the needed cable: 

Hardware Used: 

Get OBD2 Cable:

Get CANtact:


Creating Network Interfaces: 

As a reference here are the commands from the video for creating a CAN network interface: 

USB2Can Setup: 
The following command will bring up your can interface and you should see the device light color change: 
sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 125000

Contact Setup: 
Set your jumpers on 3,5 and 7 as seen in the picture in the video
Sudo slcand -o -s6 /dev/ttyACM can0 <— whatever device you see in your DMESG output
Ifconfig can0 up


That should get you started connecting to physical cars and hacking around. I was also doing a bit of python coding over these interfaces to perform actions and sniff traffic. I might post that if anyone is interested. Mostly I have been hacking around on blockchain stuff and creating full course content recently so keep a look out for that in the future. 

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Printer Security

Printers belong arguably to the most common devices we use. They are available in every household, office, company, governmental, medical, or education institution.

From a security point of view, these machines are quite interesting since they are located in internal networks and have direct access to sensitive information like confidential reports, contracts or patient recipes.

TL;DR: In this blog post we give an overview of attack scenarios based on network printers, and show the possibilities of an attacker who has access to a vulnerable printer. We present our evaluation of 20 different printer models and show that each of these is vulnerable to multiple attacks. We release an open-source tool that supported our analysis: PRinter Exploitation Toolkit (PRET)
Full results are available in the master thesis of Jens Müller and our paper.
Furthermore, we have set up a wiki ( to share knowledge on printer (in)security.
The highlights of the entire survey will be presented by Jens Müller for the first time at RuhrSec in Bochum.


There are many cool protocols and languages you can use to control your printer or your print jobs. We assume you have never heard of at least half of them. An overview is depicted in the following figure and described below.


Device control

This set of languages is used to control the printer device. With a device control language it is possible to retrieve the printer name or status. One of the most common languages is the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). SNMP is a UDP based protocol designed to manage various network components beyond printers as well, e.g. routers and servers.

Printing channel

The most common network printing protocols supported by printer devices are the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), Line Printer Daemon (LPD), Server Message Block (SMB), and raw port 9100 printing. Each protocol has specific features like print job queue management or accounting. In our work, we used these protocols to transport malicious documents to the printers.


Job control language

This is where it gets very interesting (for our attacks). A job control language manages printer settings like output trays or paper size. A de-facto standard for print job control is PJL. From a security perspective it is very useful that PJL is not limited to the current print job as some settings can be made permanent. It can further be used to change the printer's display or read/write files on the device.


Page description language

A page description language specifies the appearance of the actual document. One of the most common 'standard' page description languages is PostScript. While PostScript has lost popularity in desktop publishing and as a document exchange format (we use PDF now), it is still the preferred page description language for laser printers. PostScript is a stack-based, Turing-complete programming language consisting of about 400 instructions/operators. As a security aware researcher you probable know that some of them could be useful. Technically spoken, access to a PostScript interpreter can already be classified as code execution.



Even though printers are an important attack target, security threats and scenarios for printers are discussed in very few research papers or technical reports. Our first step was therefore to perform a comprehensive analysis of all reported and published attacks in CVEs and security blogs. We then used this summary to systematize the known issues, to develop new attacks and to find a generic approach to apply them to different printers. We estimated that the best targets are the PostScript and PJL interpreters processing the actual print jobs since they can be exploited by a remote attacker with only the ability to 'print' documents, independent of the printing channel supported by the device.
We put the printer attacks into four categories.


Denial-of-service (DoS)

Executing a DoS attack is as simple as sending these two lines of PostScript code to the printer which lead to the execution of an infinite loop:

{} loop

Other attacks include:
  • Offline mode. The PJL standard defines the OPMSG command which 'prompts the printer to display a specified message and go offline'.
  • Physical damage. By continuously setting the long-term values for PJL variables, it is possible to physically destroy the printer's NVRAM which only survives a limited number of write cycles.
  • Showpage redefinition. The PostScript 'showpage' operator is used in every document to print the page. An attacker can simply redefine this operator to do nothing.

Protection Bypass

Resetting a printer device to factory defaults is the best method to bypass protection mechanisms. This task is trivial for an attacker with local access to the printer, since all tested devices have documented procedures to perform a cold reset by pressing certain key combinations.
However, a factory reset can be performed also by a remote attacker, for example using SNMP if the device complies with RFC1759 (Printer MIB):

Protection Bypass# snmpset -v1 -c public [printer] i 6
Other languages like HP's PML, Kyocera's PRESCRIBE or even PostScript offer similar functionalities.

Furthermore, our work shows techniques to bypass print job accounting on popular print servers like CUPS or LPRng.

Print Job Manipulation

Some page description languages allow permanent modifications of themselves which leads to interesting attacks, like manipulating other users' print jobs. For example, it is possible to overlay arbitrary graphics on all further documents to be printed or even to replace text in them by redefining the 'showpage' and 'show' PostScript operators.

Information Disclosure

Printing over port 9100 provides a bidirectional channel, which can be used to leak sensitive information. For example, Brother based printers have a documented feature to read from or write to a certain NVRAM address using PJL:

Information Disclosure@PJL RNVRAM ADDRESS = X
Our prototype implementation simply increments this value to dump the whole NVRAM, which contains passwords for the printer itself but also for user-defined POP3/SMTP as well as for FTP and Active Directory profiles. This way an attacker can escalate her way into a network, using the printer device as a starting point.
Other attacks include:
  • File system access. Both, the standards for PostScript and PJL specify functionality to access the printers file system. As it seems, some manufacturers have not limited this feature to a certain directory, which leads to the disclosure of sensitive information like passwords.
  • Print job capture. If PostScript is used as a printer driver, printed documents can be captured. This is made possible by two interesting features of the PostScript language: First, permanently redefining operators allows an attacker to 'hook' into other users' print jobs and secondly, PostScript's capability to read its own code as data allows to easily store documents instead of executing them.

  • Credential disclosure. PJL passwords, if set, can easily retrieved through brute-force attacks due to their limited key space (1..65535). PostScript passwords, on the other hand, can be cracked extremely fast (up to 100,000 password verifications per second) thanks to the performant PostScript interpreters.


To automate the introduced attacks, we wrote a prototype software entitled PRET. The main idea of PRET is to facilitate the communication between the end-user and the printer. Thus, by entering a UNIX-like command PRET translates it to PostScript or PJL, sends it to the printer, and evaluates the result. For example, PRET converts a UNIX command ls to the following PJL request:

Information Disclosure@PJL FSDIRLIST NAME="0:\" ENTRY=1 COUNT=65535
It then collects the printer output and translates it to a user friendly output.

PRET implements the following list of commands for file system access on a printer device:


As a highly motivated security researcher with a deep understanding of systematic analysis, you would probably obtain a list of about 20 - 30 well-used printers from the most important manufacturers, and perform an extensive security analysis using these printers.
However, this was not our case. To overcome the financial obstacles, we collected printers from various university chairs and facilities. While our actual goal was to assemble a pool of printers containing at least one model for each of the top ten manufacturers, we practically took what we could get. The result is depicted in the following figure:
The assembled devices were not brand-new anymore and some of them were not even completely functional. Three printers had physically broken printing functionality so it was not possible to evaluate all the presented attacks. Nevertheless, these devices represent a good mix of printers used in a typical university or office environment.
Before performing the attacks, we of course installed the newest firmware on each of the devices. The results of our evaluation show that we could find multiple attacks against each printer. For example, simple DoS attacks with malicious PostScript files containing infinite loops are applicable to each printer. Only the HP LaserJet M2727nf had a watchdog mechanism and restarted itself after about ten minutes. Physical damage could be caused to about half of the tested device within 24 hours of NVRAM stressing. For a majority of devices, print jobs could be manipulated or captured.
PostScript, PJL and PML based attacks can even be exploited by a web attacker using advanced cross-site printing techniques. In the scope of our research, we discovered a novel approach – 'CORS spoofing' – to leak information like captured print jobs from a printer device given only a victim's browser as carrier.
A proof-of-concept implementation demonstrating that advanced cross-site printing attacks are practical and a real-world threat to companies and institutions is available at

Our next post will be on adapting PostScript based attacks to websites.

Authors of this Post

Jens Müller
Juraj Somorovsky
Vladislav Mladenov

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How To Start | How To Become An Ethical Hacker

Are you tired of reading endless news stories about ethical hacking and not really knowing what that means? Let's change that!
This Post is for the people that:

  • Have No Experience With Cybersecurity (Ethical Hacking)
  • Have Limited Experience.
  • Those That Just Can't Get A Break

OK, let's dive into the post and suggest some ways that you can get ahead in Cybersecurity.
I receive many messages on how to become a hacker. "I'm a beginner in hacking, how should I start?" or "I want to be able to hack my friend's Facebook account" are some of the more frequent queries. Hacking is a skill. And you must remember that if you want to learn hacking solely for the fun of hacking into your friend's Facebook account or email, things will not work out for you. You should decide to learn hacking because of your fascination for technology and your desire to be an expert in computer systems. Its time to change the color of your hat 😀

 I've had my good share of Hats. Black, white or sometimes a blackish shade of grey. The darker it gets, the more fun you have.

If you have no experience don't worry. We ALL had to start somewhere, and we ALL needed help to get where we are today. No one is an island and no one is born with all the necessary skills. Period.OK, so you have zero experience and limited skills…my advice in this instance is that you teach yourself some absolute fundamentals.
Let's get this party started.
  •  What is hacking?
Hacking is identifying weakness and vulnerabilities of some system and gaining access with it.
Hacker gets unauthorized access by targeting system while ethical hacker have an official permission in a lawful and legitimate manner to assess the security posture of a target system(s)

 There's some types of hackers, a bit of "terminology".
White hat — ethical hacker.
Black hat — classical hacker, get unauthorized access.
Grey hat — person who gets unauthorized access but reveals the weaknesses to the company.
Script kiddie — person with no technical skills just used pre-made tools.
Hacktivist — person who hacks for some idea and leaves some messages. For example strike against copyright.
  •  Skills required to become ethical hacker.
  1. Curosity anf exploration
  2. Operating System
  3. Fundamentals of Networking
*Note this sites

More information

  1. Hacking Pdf
  2. Programas Para Hackear
  3. Curso Seguridad Informatica
  4. Hacking System
  5. Hacking Forums
  6. Hacking Social
  7. Certificacion Ethical Hacking
  8. Viral Hacking

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Web Hacking Video Series #4 MySQL Part 2 (Injection And Coding)

Video Lesson Topics:

  1. Setting up your victim application, databases and lab
  2. Attacking a simple injection with information Schema
  3. Automating your injections with python and beautiful soup
  4. Dealing with various web encoding in Python and PHP
  5. Bypassing LoadFile Size restrictions and automating it
  6. Decrypting sensitive data via PHP and Python interactions
  7. As always me rambling about stupid nonsense :P FTW

Part 2 of Mysql covers the topic of injecting a simple SQL injection example. Starts out slow then combines techniques and moves into more advanced topics. Prior to attempting this lesson make sure you have watched the videos in the previous blog or understand both SQL and basic python coding. I will show how to automate the injection process via python utilizing simple HTML processing abilities of beautiful soup.  I will cover many python libraries for encoding data and calling web based applications. I also talk about how to deal with encrypted data and methods of enumerating files and folders looking for possible implementation issues and attack points to decrypt sensitive data via PHP/Python interaction with whats available on the server. This is the 2nd part of a 3 part series on MySQL for attacking web applications.

Files Needed:
Lab Files

Video Lesson:

Whats Next:
PHP source code analysis
Recoding PHP applications to fix SQLi

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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Masad Clipper And Stealer - Windows Spyware Exfiltrating Data Via Telegram (Samples)


"Masad Clipper and Stealer" steals browser information, computer files,  and automatically replaces cryptocurrency wallets from the clipboard with its own.
It is written using Autoit scripts and then compiled into a Windows executable.
It uses Telegram to exfiltrate stolen information.


             Other malware



Continue reading

Web Hacking Video Series #4 MySQL Part 2 (Injection And Coding)

Video Lesson Topics:

  1. Setting up your victim application, databases and lab
  2. Attacking a simple injection with information Schema
  3. Automating your injections with python and beautiful soup
  4. Dealing with various web encoding in Python and PHP
  5. Bypassing LoadFile Size restrictions and automating it
  6. Decrypting sensitive data via PHP and Python interactions
  7. As always me rambling about stupid nonsense :P FTW

Part 2 of Mysql covers the topic of injecting a simple SQL injection example. Starts out slow then combines techniques and moves into more advanced topics. Prior to attempting this lesson make sure you have watched the videos in the previous blog or understand both SQL and basic python coding. I will show how to automate the injection process via python utilizing simple HTML processing abilities of beautiful soup.  I will cover many python libraries for encoding data and calling web based applications. I also talk about how to deal with encrypted data and methods of enumerating files and folders looking for possible implementation issues and attack points to decrypt sensitive data via PHP/Python interaction with whats available on the server. This is the 2nd part of a 3 part series on MySQL for attacking web applications.

Files Needed:
Lab Files

Video Lesson:

Whats Next:
PHP source code analysis
Recoding PHP applications to fix SQLi

Related links

How To Install Windscribe - The Best Free VPN On GNU/Linux Distros?

Why should you use Windscrive?
   Windscribe is well-known for their free VPN service but they also have a paid version. Only with a free account, you will get 10 countries to connect through and change your real IP address and 10GB of free traffic (if you use an email to sign up Windscribe), and unlimited devices.

   The Free version is awesome, but the Pro one is even better! With Pro version you will get Unlimited DataUnblock over 60 Countries and 110 CitiesConfig Generator (OpenVPN, IKEv2, SOCKS5), and full protection from R.O.B.E.R.T.

   For your information, Windscribe is one of the best VPN services in the category Free AuditValue Audit and Overall Audit in Awards 2019 (Read the White Paper here). You totally can believe in Windscribe (100% no logs).

   And about R.O.B.E.R.T, it's an advanced DNS level blocker that protects you from MalwareAds and TrackersSocial trackingPornGamblingFake NewsClickbait and Cryptominers. Read more about R.O.B.E.R.T.

Anyway, Windscribe helps you:
  • Stop tracking and browse privately: Governments block content based on your location. Corporations track and sell your personal data. Get Windscribe and take back control of your privacy.
  • Unblock geo-restricted content: Windscribe masks your IP address. This gives you unrestricted and private access to entertainment, news sites, and blocked content in over 45 different countries.
  • Take your browsing history to your grave: Protect your browsing history from your network administrator, ISP, or your mom. Windscribe doesn't keep any logs, so your private data stays with you.
  • Stop leaking personal information: Prevent hackers from stealing your data while you use public WIFI and block annoying advertisers from stalking you online.
  • Go beyond basic VPN protection: For comprehensive privacy protection, use our desktop and browser combo (they're both free).

   Windscribe also supports Chrome browser, Firefox browser, Opera browser, Smart TV, Routers, Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Windows OS, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux OS, you name it.

   You can install Windscribe on Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS, Arch Linux and their based distros too.

   But to install and safely use Internet through Windscribe, you must sign up an account first. If you already have an account then let's get started.

How to install Windscribe on Arch and Arch-based distros?
   First, open your Terminal.

   For Arch Linux and Arch-based distro users, you can install Windscribe from AUR. Run these commands without root to download and install Windscribe on your Arch:

   For other distro users, go to VPN for Linux - Windscribe choose the binary file that compatible with your distro (.DEB for Debian and Ubuntu based, .RPM for Fedora and CentOS based) and then install it.
dpkg -i [Windscribe .DEB package]
rpm -ivh [Windscribe .RPM package]

   Or you can scroll down to Pick Your Distro, click to the distro version you use, or click to the distro version that your distro is based on and follow the instructions.

   Now enter these commands to auto-start a and log in to Windscribe.

   Enter your username and password and then you can enjoy Windscribe's free VPN service.

How to use Windscribe on Linux?
   This is Windscribe list of commands (windscribe --help):
   If you want Windscribe to chooses the best location for you, use windscribe connect best.

   But if you want to choose location yourself, here is the list of Windscribe's locations:
   *Pro only
   Example, i want to connect to "Los Angeles - Dogg", i use windscribe connect Dogg.

   If you want to stop connecting through Windscribe use windscribe disconnect.

   For some reasons, you want to log out Windscribe from your device, use windscribe logout.

I hope this article is helpful for you 😃

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